Kangyue Mint's Colorful Life Delta Kite for Kids & Adults (Black Blue) 00191892515977
Kangyue Mint's Colorful Life Delta Kite for Kids & Adults (Black Blue) 00191892515977
Kangyue Mint's Colorful Life Delta Kite for Kids & Adults (Black Blue) 00191892515977
Kangyue Mint's Colorful Life Delta Kite for Kids & Adults (Black Blue) 00191892515977
Kangyue Mint's Colorful Life Delta Kite for Kids & Adults (Black Blue) 00191892515977
Kangyue Mint's Colorful Life Delta Kite for Kids & Adults (Black Blue) 00191892515977

Mint's Colorful Life Delta Kite for Kids & Adults (Black Blue)

Regular price $29.99 $0.00 Unit price per
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    Brand: Mint's Colorful Life Origin: Weifang, China
    Name: Blue Delta Kite Material: Polyester; Fiberglass
    Wind Range: 5-18 mph Age Level: 3-80 Years Old
    Kite Size: 61''W×30‘’H Package Size: 17.6 x 5.12 x 1.5 inches
      Key Features
      • NEWLY Designed Kite
      • STRONG Rods and Strings
      • Easy to Assemble & Fly
      • Handy Reusable Bag Easy to Store
      • Perfect for Vacations!

      Details Display

      Assembly Video

      Flying Video

      Refund Policy


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